Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Here is my long awaited MEME. There is a first time for everything.

Things I want to do before dying:
** find my soulmate…
make aliyah
get a job I love
touch the lives of others
take photography courses
learn to play the drums (well ;-)
dance- ballroom, salsa, hip hop…
see the coming of Moshiach
have no regrets

Things I cannot do:
** say no
be pushy

Things I can do:
** dream
talk sports
talk politics
have fun

Things I want in a mate:
** here’s a peek
someone outgoing to bring out my loud side
sense of humor
open minded
not judgmental
hopefully a best friend

Things I say most often:
** maybe yes maybe no
search me
Go Yankees J
no problem

Book I love:
** Exodus
Tom Clancy collection
select John Grisham books- especially The Firm
Three Nights in August
to name a few

Movies that I love:
** too many and a little of everything
TV shows- 24, prison Break, Grey’s Anatomy, YES, ESPN

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I'm Back

I'm back and boy does it feel great! So much to say. Verizon finally agreed to come to my house and fix the problem. It took more than a month of phone calls back and forth with Verizon saying everything will be up and running again the next day. They made about 20 automated calls saying that we had service and we would have to call them back. We went around in circles. Anyways, enough on the horror story.

I really missed blogging. I missed the trade deadline. I missed writing about my first Mets game (which I may recap). I missed putting up my poetry. I missed the routine. I missed the release, letting it all out. I missed the comments and the debates...

Oh and I missed being able to write a post on First Place. I will be the first one to tell you that "It Ain't Over Till It's Over," but things are looking mighty good in Yankeeland after the Yankees grueling five game sweep in Boston.

Since the computer is now in immediate demand I will post my MEME, as promised, tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Far Too Long

Well unfortunately the silence has gone on for far too long, totally unintentional that this was my last (but not final) post. The saga began 3 weeks ago when my dad wanted to cancel one of the land lines at home and DSL planned to switch its service to another line. But then after a week of trying to install the temporary dial-up Verizon realized that the DSL internet service would only work on the line they canceled. However, they still have not turned the service back on despite hours spent on the phone. Needless to say I am not a happy camper. Today is just a temporary break in the silence. I do not have internet service back. I am in the city using another computer. So many things have happened in the past few weeks, but many of the moments are now lost as I will not recapture them here.

I do not like blogging on my friend’s computer, but I will try to catch up and leave comments. Hopefully, I will be back on full time sometime in the near future. Thanks for the tag Scraps. I will get on it asap.

And I can’t end without a few words on the surging Yankees. First place feels awesome and the trade deadline acquisitions worked out perfectly. I will leave you with a song as I am slowly moving on.

"And how could we quit something we never even tried,
Well you still can't tell me why.

We built it up,
To watch it fall.
Like we meant nothing at all.
I gave and gave the best of me,
But couldn't give you what you need.
You walked away,
You stole my life,
Just to find what your looking for.
But no matter how I try,
I can't hate you anymore
....I can't hate you anymore.

Your not the person who you used to be,
The one I want who wanted me,
And that's a shame but,
There's only so many tears that you can cry.
Before it drains the light right from your eyes,
And I can't go on that way.
And so I'm letting of everything we were,
It doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. "