First Move

Keep making the first move
Going after what I want
Trying to hold out
Waiting for you
To make the first move
Waiting tears me up inside
Holding back
Trying not to push
Can’t push you away
But you need a push
Tentative step
Big step
Or leap of faith
All the way
Afraid of chasing you away
But even more afraid to wait
Afraid with time
You’ll forget
And I’ll lose
My place
To be rejected
To lose all hope
Losing my pride
A lifetime
Of regret
Of what if
Time is up
Your turn is over
I can’t wait any longer
I’m not leaving
Anything to chance
I’m either going to
Break the door down
Or close it forever
I’m making my move
…what about you?
Wow sounds like the poem I wrote in my blog. Scary I tend to make those first moves. Yes I think I am! Bold and powerful poem.
Beautifully expressed...
It's called grabbing life by the horns...
Sometimes you only get one shot at bliss...
Thank you. Only problem is that I crashed and burned.
Oh no not good! Well good you had the guts I guess. You should never get burned again. Next time shall be a success.
I cant read peotry, bit I just wanted you to know that I was going to go to the Yankee game tonight and didnt so of course Johnson pitched well. I also wanted to mention that I hate the Mets. I hate their young talent, I hate their prospects, I hate that the National League is easy. I hate hate hate them.
Another sports post will be coming soon. Yea it was definitely a great game. I am glad he finally straightened out because I was seriously starting to doubt he ever would. I too hate the Mets, although if there was ever a time to like them it is now, but you got to admit they have some pretty great young talent.
NL is much weaker, especially this year. Just look at interleague.
Crashing and burning is horrible, especially when you really gave it your best shot and crashed anyway. It makes it that much harder to try your best the next time you have a chance to fly--will you make the leap off the edge of the cliff this time, when last time your parachute didn't open? But if you don't learn to fly, you'll be tied down to this earth for the rest of your life, which is also a terrible fate.
Exactly. I may be a little more cautious about making the next leap and it may take me a while, but if I don't continue going after what I want who is to say that I'm gonna get it. It hurt a lot, yet there is a part of me that will ever allow that glimmer of hope to die, even/especially in this case.
Oh no I am a lonely Mets fan:(.
SF- Even this year? Unless you feel lonely so far ahead in first place. There are many people who have jumped on the Mets bandwagon because they are finally winning big time this year so you should have plenty of company.
She means the museum with all the art.
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